RPRx is presented by:
Rick Darvis
Rick is recognized as one of the leading experts in the financial planning field. He has written several books, developed financial software, and trained financial professionals across the United States. His knowledge has enabled him to be invited to speak on the financial and business development topics to his contemporaries at state CPA and FPA conferences in over 40 states. He has been a featured speaker at the Financial Planner Association’s Success Forum, the Northeast /Mid-Atlantic National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) regional conference, the National Employee Benefit Forum, the New York Society of CPAs Personal Financial Planning Conference, and the AICPA’s Tax Strategies for the High Income Individual Conference. Rick has also given seminars for the University of Arizona and the New York Student Financial Aid Administrators.
Rick’s Accomplishments
? Co-author of Paying for College: Tax Strategies and Financial Aid, a guide published by the American Institute of CPAs on college planning for accountants and financial advisors.
? Contributing author of Personal Financial Planning, a Practitioners Publishing Company (PPC) guidebook.
? Co-author of Planning for College Costs, a Practitioners Publishing Company (PPC) guidebook on college financial planning for accountants and financial advisors.
? Author of A Roadmap to College & Retirement – Without Going Broke, a book designed to link college planning to retirement planning.
? Provider of education programs and business development services for organizations, such as Microsoft, American Institute of CPAs, Oppenheimer, Western CPE, OneAmerica Insurance, State Farm Insurance, National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, Northwestern Mutual Insurance, Manulife, MFS, American Skandia, Franklin Templeton, Eastern Bank, US Bank, Wells Fargo Financial Advisors, Linsco Private Ledger, Securities America, Genworth, Lincoln Financial, UBS, Thrivent, Wachovia, Smith Barney, John Hancock Financial Network, Legg Mason, Edward Jones, Chase Bank, and Raymond James.
? Quoted in: Forbes, CNN-FN, Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report, Money, Business Week, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, NY Times, Smart Money, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg’s Personal Finance, Money, Bankrate, Nation’s Business, Financial Advisor, Dow Jones Newswire, On Investing, Knight Ridder News, Mutual Fund Market News, Research Magazine, Practical Accountant, Offspring, LIMRA’s Market Facts, NAPFA Advisor, and AICPA’s Planner.
? Owned and operated businesses, such as, 6 CPA accounting firms, a national financial planning network with over 2,000 members, 3 restaurants, 3 insurance agencies, a business development contract with Microsoft, commercial rental properties, a farm/ranch operation, a recreation and fitness center, and retail sporting goods stores.